Meet our team

Our team at Sunstone comprises highly experienced professionals with deep expertise across various technical disciplines. However, what unites us all is our shared commitment to being good humans. We value integrity, empathy, and a genuine concern for the well-being of our clients and colleagues. This collective focus on being good humans sets us apart and drives the positive impact we strive to make in everything we do.

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All the capabilities you need to build Australia’s.

Team up with some of the brightest minds in the government and Defence consulting sector.

Ben Andrew


Ash Thakur


Aninda Sen


Jason Finlen


I work with subject matter experts who geniunely care about the future of our country

Some of our recent projects

Discover how our handpicked teams make our clients’ lives and project-critical decisions easier.

Make it easy, efficient, even enjoyable

Draw on our team’s extensive capabilities to build Australia’s. Allow us to handpick a team to suit you and your project.

Insights and articles

See how we’ve been helping our clients in Defence and across government build Australia’s sovereign capability.