Sunstone Advisory’s Blue Mountains Retreat: Investing in Our Team and Building Resilience Together


At Sunstone Advisory, we recognize the value of investing in our staff’s personal and professional development. To strengthen our team dynamics and foster a supportive work environment, we recently hosted a 2-day weekend retreat at the beautiful Blue Mountains. This event brought together 15 Sunstone team members for an unforgettable weekend of bonding, overcoming challenges, and learning valuable lessons that we could bring back to the workplace.

The Journey Begins: Friday Night Gatherings and Sharing Our Thoughts

Our weekend retreat kicked off on Friday evening, with the group gathering at a local pub for some delicious pizza and conversation. This informal setting allowed everyone to open up and share their feelings, including any nerves or concerns they might have had about the upcoming activities. Establishing an open line of communication from the outset set the stage for a supportive and collaborative weekend.

Saturday’s Adventure: Abseiling and Workplace Parallels

On Saturday, we embarked on a thrilling abseiling adventure, which pushed many team members out of their comfort zones. As we faced the challenges of the mountain together, we discussed how the support and teamwork displayed during our abseiling experience mirrored the cooperation and encouragement needed in the workplace. The day was filled with stress, adrenaline, and excitement, but it also served as an opportunity to build trust and camaraderie within our team.

Sunday’s Triumph: Hiking, Canyoning, and Overcoming Fears

The final day of our retreat was spent hiking and participating in a canyoning experience, complete with water adventures and cliff jumps. Throughout the day, team members faced their fears and pushed through personal barriers with the support and encouragement of their colleagues. The sense of accomplishment and unity that arose from overcoming these challenges together was a powerful reminder of our collective strength and resilience.


Sunstone Advisory’s Blue Mountains retreat was an incredible opportunity to invest in our staff and reinforce the importance of teamwork, trust, and resilience. By participating in challenging outdoor activities and overcoming fears together, our team emerged stronger, more connected, and better equipped to support one another in the workplace. These shared experiences have not only enriched our team dynamics but have also laid the foundation for a more collaborative and supportive work environment at Sunstone Advisory.

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